About Creativity in Therapy
This blog is intended to provide resources, intervention ideas, and creative inspiration for counselors, child therapists, art therapists, and other mental health professionals.
The “creativity” in therapy refers both to the need for therapists to be creative in the interventions that they use to best meet the needs of their clients, as well as the healing power of creativity when it is incorporated in therapy.
Topics covered include art therapy and other art-based directives, creative counseling approaches, play therapy, and community-based projects.
About Carolyn
Carolyn Mehlomakulu, LMFT-S, ATR-BC is a Board Certified Art Therapist and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Supervisor who provides child therapy, teen counseling, family therapy, and parent coaching. In her private practice in Austin, TX, Carolyn specializes in art therapy, trauma, depression, anxiety, self-harm, and family stressors. Carolyn also works part-time doing group therapy in a behavioral health hospital.
Carolyn provides clinical supervision in Austin for LMFT-Associates who work with children, teens, and families and who are interested in incorporating creative approaches in their therapy and counseling.
Before beginning private practice, she gained clinical experience in a variety of settings, including foster care group home, schools, community mental health, and juvenile probation.
Carolyn received her Master’s degree from Loyola Marymount University, where she studied Marital and Family Therapy and Clinical Art Therapy.
For more information, visit: www.therapywithcarolyn.com
Services Available
- Art therapy for children, teens, and families in Austin, TX
- Consultation about art in therapy for counselors and therapists (in-person or by video call)
- Clinical supervision for LMFT-Associates or Art Therapy interns
- Art therapy group facilitation by contract at your agency
- Workshops, trainings, online courses, and continuing education (see Courses page for current offerings)
- Guest blogging or other writing projects
Work With Me
Art therapy consultation and supervision are available by video call or in-person in Austin, TX. If you are a therapist/counselor who needs consultation about the use of art in therapy or a provisional Art Therapist in need of supervision, please email me to set up an initial call so we can discuss how I can help.
If you are interested in art therapy services for yourself, please visit: www.therapywithcarolyn.com to learn more about my private practice.
Custom workshops and trainings in art therapy can be provided at your agency. Please contact me for more information.
For interviews and speaking, contact me at the email below. I would love to talk with you!
Email me at: carolyn@creativityintherapy.com
As Featured In
Carolyn has appeared in the following articles, books, interviews, and events.
The Art Therapist’s Guide to Social Media (book by Gretchen Miller, ATR-BC)
Art Therapists on the Grid (interview with Gretchen Miller, ATR-BC)
Transformation Through Creative Expression (online summit)
The Transformational Healers Summit (online summit)
10 Tiny Ways You Can Be Creative Every Day (Spirituality & Health)
5 Ways to Use Art Journaling to Navigate Anxiety (Psych Central)
7 More Ways to Navigate Anxiety With Art Journaling (Psych Central)
Best Art Therapy Blogs to Keep You Emotionally Healthy (Lifehack)
Celebs are calling for more creative arts in schools – but why’s it so important to childhood development? (Good to Know)
All material on this website is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute medical, legal, financial, or other professional advice on any subject matter.
This information is not intended to diagnose any condition or provide mental health treatment. All directives, interventions, and ideas should be used by professionals within the appropriate bounds of their education, training, and scope of practice.
Information presented in this blog does not replace professional training in child and family therapy, art therapy, play therapy, or mental health treatment. Use of activities on this website does not necessarily qualify as “art therapy,” “play therapy,” or any type of counseling, psychotherapy, or mental health treatment.
Affiliate Disclosure
Carolyn Mehlomakulu is an affiliate with Bookshop.org. When you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase, I receive a small commission that helps to support the work that goes into the blog. This does not impact the purchase price for you.
Carolyn Mehlomakulu is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
If you’d like to support the blog and appreciate the information that I provide, please support me by shopping through an affiliate link or go to my Bookshop page at https://bookshop.org/shop/creativityintherapy (and as a bonus, you’ll also be supporting independent bookstores across the U.S. by purchasing through Bookshop).
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This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on July 31, 2016. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly at carolynmehlo@gmail.com.