A good termination can be an important final step in the therapeutic process. I find that creative arts can be a helpful part of termination, both to process the ending and because the art provides a transitional object that the client can take with them.
When a member leaves a therapy group, I want to help the whole group to be able to process change and saying goodbye, as well as honor the progress and contributions that the departing member has made. While this can be done with conversation in the group, I find that taking time for art and writing can open up space for more reflection and allow group members to be more open in what they share. In addition, there is value in the art as a concrete reminder of their experience in group.
I’d like to share an expressive art activity that I have been using lately in my teen group as we celebrate some transitions out of the group.
Art Directive
For the group members that will remain – Create a goodbye postcard for the group member who is leaving. On the front side of the card, create an image for them. On the back side, write them a brief message (say goodbye, let them know what positive impact they have had on you, remind them of anything that you hope they carry on from the group, etc.).
For the terminating group member – Create a card for yourself, with an image on one side and a message on the back, about what you have learned from the group or what you want to continue to remind yourself of after leaving.
Share your cards in group and take time to verbally express anything else that you want to share.
Cardstock or watercolor paper, cut down to the size of postcards or large cards
Assorted drawing, paint, collage, and embellishment materials
As I facilitate a group that is ongoing and has rolling admission, we only have one person leaving at any time. However, I’m sure that you could adapt this activity for a closed group that is all ending at the same time. One variation would be that everyone creates their own card with an image and writing about what they got out of group and what they need to be reminded of. These could then be taken home at the end of that final group or later mailed by the therapist. Another variation is to pass the cards around, with each group member adding a brief contribution to the art on one side and a brief message on the other. Then each person leaves the group with a card that everyone has contributed to.
I always love to hear your thoughts! What is your favorite creative activity for group therapy termination? Let me know in the comments below.
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Carolyn Mehlomakulu, LMFT-S, ATR is an art therapist in Austin, Texas who works with children, teens, and families. For more information about individual therapy, child and teen counseling, family therapy, teen group therapy, and art therapy services, please visit: www.therapywithcarolyn.com.
This blog is not intended to diagnose or treat any mental health conditions. All directives, interventions, and ideas should be used by qualified individuals within the appropriate bounds of their education, training, and scope of practice. Information presented in this blog does not replace professional training in child and family therapy, art therapy, or play therapy. Art therapy requires a trained art therapist.
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Mads says
Hello Carolyn
Thank you for such wonderful insights on this subject … I enjoy reading thru your input
Where are you from with such an interesting surname
Carolyn Mehlomakulu says
Hello, thanks for reading. I’m Texas born and raised, but my surname is my married name. It’s a Xhosa name, South African in origin.
Suzie says
Love this idea – think it would work well. I am wondering about how you go about bringing new people in on a ‘rolling basis’? Thanks for your inspiration! Suzie
Carolyn Mehlomakulu says
Thanks for reading! I keep my group around 6-8 members. When there are open spots, I can add a new person. I meet with them individually first to orient them to the group expectations, make sure they are a good fit, and get background information. At their first group, everyone in the group introduces themselves and is invited to share about why they attend the group. When a new member joins the group, I plan an activity that is focused on getting to know each other and building connection to help bring the new group member in. There are definitely challenges to having an ongoing group, but a lot of benefits too.
Mark Wheeler says
This looks easily adaptable to many group contexts, as well as the slow-open group it looks like it was designed for.
The group could even keep a portfolio of the ending cards, that would endure, and be witnessed as an object signifying the containing power of the group.
We facilitate a group for young people working with their mental health problems, in a (National Health Service) Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service. An exercise like this would be useful. We offer 12 sessions in the group. Each session has the choice to use an offered theme or do your own thing. Sessions take place in a non clinical setting to reduce stigma.
Thanks for sharing this idea.
Carolyn Mehlomakulu says
Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts! I love that idea of the departing member leaving a card for the group portfolio. It would be so amazing to have those displayed in a group room for later participants to see.
Maureen says
Thank you so much for this post! Very inspiring! But I was also wondering about terminating with just a therapist? Are here some creative processes that can help with that? Is it appropriate to give a goodbye creative project to a therapist? Thank you!
Carolyn Mehlomakulu says
I definitely think this activity could be done in individual therapy for termination. I know that some therapists will do cards in the last session that are then exchanged. I prefer to do something where the client takes both parts home with them – they create a reminder for themselves of what they have gotten from therapy and then I give a card, image, or note that shares how I have seen them grow and what I hope they will continue to remember. I have another post that also shares about creating a “memory book” as an individual termination activity: https://creativityintherapy.com/2012/09/memory-book-a-termination-activity/
Another activity that I know other therapists use is to paint a stone with the client in the past session and on the stone is a word or image that the client wants to have as a reminder to themselves when ending therapy. It’s similar to the inspiration stones activity: https://creativityintherapy.com/2016/05/inspiration-stones/